Years ago, I co-authored a children’s book on manners. Merrilee Mannerly & Her Magnificent Manners tells the tale of a princess from the Land of No Manners.  It seems that while traveling, we always seem to run into people from the same land. Especially while traveling in “the Quiet Car.”

Merrilee Mannerly & Her Magnificent Manners

I’m sure it’s happened to you before- you get on Amtrak (or some other similar mode of transportation) and you specifically seek out the quiet car so you can relax, maybe do some work, maybe just even close your eyes. Inevitably, someone starts talking on their phone. And as many seem to be compelled to do in small spaces, they don’t just talk on the phone, they YELL. And the person they are talking to seems to always yell back.

WHY??? Do they not see the QUIET CAR signs? Do they not notice how quiet most of the other passengers are? Do they think it’s just an unusually polite group? But maybe the real question is, what is it that makes people speak even louder when it’s quiet?

Now if this happened infrequently, or even occasionally, I wouldn’t bother mentioning it. BUT inevitably it happens every time! Maybe I shouldn’t care so much. But i’m guessing if you’re part of the group in the quiet car because you actually want quiet, you kind of care. 

On a recent Amtrak journey to Manhattan, literally the moment I sat down, a man across from me (they are always right near me) started having a VERY loud conversation with whom I can only guess was his wife. Or the teacher from Charlie Brown. Several people (including me; yes, I’m that person) tried QUIETLY motioning to the QUIET CAR sign. One exasperated woman finally screamed (not ironically), “THIS IS THE QUIET CAR!”  He seemed genuinely surprised. He said (loudly) to his telephone companion, “Oh I guess I’m in the quiet car,” to which she responded, ” HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW YOU WERE IN THE QUIET CAR?” Indeed.

Nonetheless, I spent a fantastic 24 hours in New York City. I sipped some delicious cocktails at a trendy rooftop bar with my charming friend and colleague. I enjoyed a fabulous dinner at the Michelin star Ai Fiori with a long lost college friend that now lives in LA. And I indulged in a delicious breakfast at a very cool hotel. The Archer is a great choice if you’re looking for a boutique midtown hotel in a convenient location that won’t break the bank.

Was the Quiet Car quiet for my return home? Nope! But the trip was still well worth it!

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  1. Lady GGG

    June 1, 2022 at 10:33 pm

    I talk on speakerphone everywhere I go-I dont like putting the phone to my ear because i feel like dangerous waves are radiating my brain. 🤷‍♀️ #sorrynotsorry

    1. Mary Cashman

      June 2, 2022 at 8:09 am

      Of course this doesn’t surprise me, my friend…Stay away from the Quiet Car!

  2. Ray

    June 2, 2022 at 10:33 am

    Ever notice how often the noisy among the quiet are describing mega $ deals or meetings with the rich and famous. Its a self-proclaiming ego trip.

    1. Mary Cashman

      June 2, 2022 at 10:45 am

      Yes! SO often!

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